Bishop Strickland Issues Pastoral Letter on Errors in the Church

He’s Not Backing Down, Because He Is A Genuine Shepherd

Here is a link to the letter published yesterday, August 23, 2023, on the website of the Diocese of Tyler, TX, where for now, at least, the inimitable Bishop Strickland remains in the episcopal chair. This is must reading for all faithful Catholics, especially those who oppose the introduction of error and, I daresay, even heresy, into the “teachings” of the current papacy. If you have been following the situation in Tyler, you know that the Francis regime has already conducted an Apostolic Visitation of the diocese. No one with two brain cells to rub together believes that there was any legitimate reason for this action, as it was obviously retaliation for Bishop Strickland’s posting on social media of statements questioning certain of the, shall we say, “initiatives” of the Francis regime, currently being peddled to the world through the “Synod on Synodality.” That is, the ones demonstrating a belief, absurdly wrong on its face, that the pope has the authority to change the Truth at his personal whim as long as he dresses it up in a “synodal process.” The oxymoronically named “LeftCaths” have been dancing with joy since the Visitation was announced, which ought to tell you everything you really need to know.

Well, Bishop Strickland is a very smart and wise man, so he sees the handwriting on the wall, as it were, and is doing his best to teach his flock the Truth while he still has the bully pulpit. Read and pass on, please. And pray very earnestly for Bishop Strickland and the unfortunately few other Bishops who still have the spine to stand for the Truth of Christ.

Laudetur Jesus Christus!

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